As a digital marketer, this makes me want to scream.

If you are a big time local web and digital company with big time clients going around charging people ridiculous amounts of money for your services, please the the decency to place the Facebook pixel on the website you're designing.

Facebook Pixel and Firing Your Digital Company

It's so incredibly basic, but I see it over and over.

Overpriced, well designed website without the Facebook pixel code included in the header of the page. It's complete and utter incompetence. It's the difference between someone who is just another digital company and someone who understands how to get you customers.

** A little background: the Facebook pixel is a little piece of code that allows Facebook to know when someone visits your website. It then allows the advertiser to keep a list (anonymous, of course) of people who visited the site. You can then target ads to people who visited your site. These are warm leads. **

Without retargeting by using the pixel, Facebook advertising can be effective, but not nearly as laser focused as it should and could be. So do me a quick favor right now. Email or call your digital company. Ask them if they know about retargeting with pixels. If they don't know what you're talking about, you can always fire them and hire someone who knows what they're doing.
