Good Milkshake on the Air
Occasionally, we take our milkshakes to go.
Good Milkshake's Phil K. James with Michael P. Libbie talking Marketing for Restaurants and other small business marketing in Central Iowa
Marketing for Business Podcast
Every week, Phil K. James of Good Milkshake Digital is a guest on Insight on Business - The News Hour with Michael P. Libbie of Insight Advertising. It's a daily podcast dedicated to business. Below you can find a link to the most recent episodes.
August 31, 2018 - Today we're talking about Facebook Groups. How easy it is to set up and to learn from like minded people. Let's say you are a plumber and can offer plumbing tips, or in fashion and offer fashion advice or a marketer and...well, you get the idea.
August 10, 2018 - In this segment, we talk about everything from Website looks, wording, social media posts, hard copy brochures, business cards...the works. But, be aware there is a process in making sure you are projecting what your customer/client really needs. Steps you can take now to make sure you are meeting the demands of your customer and not just offering noise.
August 3, 2018 - We're here at Grounds for Celebration talking about specific steps for your business to use Facebook advertising correctly. It's step by step ways to put your product or service in front of consumers for a fraction of the cost of traditional media. What is even better is that you can actually capture leads. How important is that? Listen to more here...
July 20, 2018 - PART 1: Here we talk about the music business with Max Wellman of Noce, marketing self, music and the club. How they are different and how they are the same. Here is Part One.
PART 2: More with Max Wellman and Phil K. James in our segment, Marketing for Business Episode 22. Here we dive deeper into creativity, how Max markets and much more. Max Wellman Music and NOCE the Jazz Cabaret...listen in.
July 10, 2018 - We kick things off by talking about early morning work. How getting things done early helps us move on other projects. It's a story about productivity and attention really. How to work and get stuff done.
June 28, 2018 - Here we chat with Jill Haverkamp from On-Pitch about marketing the 80/35 event, use of social media, story telling, marketing and breaking into consumer awareness. We try to speak a little French too. Sit back and have some fun with Marketing for Business - Episode 20!
June 22, 2018 - We talk about how technology allows us to create and then share ideas from one side of the globe to the other. From helping restaurant owners understand an untapped market to creating educational materials. Click through and listen in. It's all about marketing.
June 13, 2018 - We're worried that if locally owned restaurants (or really any locally owned business) doesn't take advantage of connecting with consumers by telling stories they are doomed because the "Big Guns" with all the money and all the social media experience are going to take them down. Sobering right? In this segment we talk about how a baseball team whet from being lousy to the best without spending lots of money but knowing the data.
June 7, 2018 - Here we start out talking about "first cars". Fun stuff. Then get into which started out as an social media project aimed at Tweens and has quickly become a huge platform launching several careers. We also talk about how Facebook just ripped off and created Lip Sync Live with some additional features. That is the article from Tech Crunch. The launch is not platform wide...just yet.
We then talk about the start of Mars Cafe based in the Drake Neighborhood it was something Phil and his brother created with zero experience in the restaurant industry. How they marketed and what MySpace was to them at that time. Fun stuff in this segment with a shoutout to Gary Vee!
May 25, 2018 - Here we talk about retail and businesses making it easier for people to FIND you on social media, using "old school marketing methods to reach customers and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Click through for your weekly marketing tip.
May 11, 2018 -- We talk about the re-branding of portable toilets. No longer "Porta-Potties" we present Bob's Premium Privies along with this video that introduces the Mona Lisa. We are NOT making this up!
May 4, 2018 -- There we were in Grounds for Celebration (Hey, it's National Small Business Week!) and we got into an amazing discussion about something new that NOBODY is doing and many might think is weird, odd and useless. Sort of what some thought about Twitter ten years ago. Here is our conversation about Alexa, So You Listening... More here.
April 27, 2018 -- Here we visit with Chrissy Jensen the owner and founder of Domestica about her 600,000 Pinterest followers...yes, you read that right! What she has found that works in marketing, what she says about traditional marketing channels and we offer her some ideas on how to better tell her story. Read more...
April 19, 2018 -- We sit down with Tony Lemmo from Aposto and Gusto Pizza Co. We talk about the very beginning, how to better tell stories, what stories might impact consumers and...a touching conversation about his Mother. Perhaps in this conversation you'll find something that you can use in your business. Go...
April 11, 2018 -- This week our guest is an old friend of ours Josh Fleming who is the Vice President of Marketing at Bank Iowa. Now, that we are not constrained by time limits we can have some real fun offering up some thoughts and ideas about what works...and what may need work. Let's get into it!
March 20, 2018 -- Here we start off with a bit about consumers and creating a culture Gabor George Burt calls "infatuating" and then move into tips on using LinkedIn to boost sales and marketing. We move pretty you go!
March 7, 2018 -- We look at several ways to get noticed and been seen as a leader in your community. First we offer up a challenge and an idea that you can steal and then we get into the power of Instagram for business. Again, steal our ideas and run with them...that's why we do this segment.
February 27, 2018 -- Michael and Phil chat with Darson Grantham, the owner of a business called The Mosquito Eliminators. Darson hasn't tried any digital marketing but does lots of door-to-door. We tackle digital and video and and traditional marketing and more all designed to increase his business. Listen in:
February 20, 2018 -- Kaythryn Dickel from Midwestix joins us to talk about her business, some frustrations and how the world of Facebook is changing...and often not for the better. It's all marketing and it's all business. Read more here.
February 13, 2018 -- Digital Media is for lovers! open up with a neat story about Gary Vaynerchuk and his digital visit to a 5th Grade Classroom in Des Moines to specific targeting of Facebook ads. How to get the big bang by KNOWING where your customers are and them.
February 6, 2018 -- Lots of new tools out there for content marketers and in this episode we talk about messenger marketing with ManyChat and Chatfuel. Read more here.
January 30, 2018 -- The Content Boatload. How companies and individuals can create massive amounts of content without much effort or time commitment. Read more here.
January 23, 2018 -- Amazon owns everything and Facebook wants to play nice. A conversation about Amazon's dip into health care and Facebook's algorithm changes. Read more here.